Caleb Tabinowski likes comics because they are fun for him to draw and are a fun way to tell a story. Caleb draws a lot of different kinds of comics but some of his favorites are about video games or his cat. His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:6. He likes this because it is a good comfort verse for him and it makes him feel good. Caleb says that people should try drawing, because lots of people think they can’t, when they can .
Lily Kwong likes drawing because she was born into it and art is special to her. One of her favorite things to draw is flowers. Her favorite Bible verse is proverbs 3:5-6. Lastly, she says, that you shouldn’t rush the processes and to remember the 4 rules of art: balance, harmony, texture, and proportion.
Sailor Cookson likes drawing because it is calming, relieves stress, and it is just fun. Her favorite thing to draw is different landscapes and nature. Her favorite book of the Bible is John, because she thinks it’s a good book of the Bible to read. Some advice from Sailor is never quit, because you can try again and do better.